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gene_name in gene_info.items(): region = f'{gene_id}' command = f'samtools depth -r {region} {bam_file}' result = subprocess.run(command, shell=True, capture_output=True, text=True) if result.returncode
updated 18 hours ago • Adyasha
recode I get the error > Variant 'ARS-BFGL-BAC-25195' in .lgen file has 3+ different alleles. I am using the most recent version of plink 1.9 (not 2.0 because it does not have the -lfile flag yet). I have searched and...searched and can not find a fix to this. One post suggested filtering out the one with 3+ alleles in their own file, but I could not make that work. Any help would b…
updated 22 hours ago • Emilie
for allele specific PCR I designed the forward primers for amplification of normal allele and for mutant allele and reverse...allele but what I did was I designed the primers in such a manner that the forward primer began like from the beginning of the
GenTrain Score, SNP, ILMN Strand, Customer Strand, and NormID. Additionally, I have a file with allele information, including columns for SNP Name, Sample ID, Allele1 - Forward, Allele2 - Forward, Allele1 - Top, Allele2 - Top, Allele1...sample groups, such as treated versus control etc. What should be the optimal GC score cutoff, which alleles should be compared, and how should I conduct these an…
updated 2 days ago • drajangirija
plink --bfile {my_bfile} --freqx --out {my_bfile} Originally I was just going to see which alleles have higher allele count, but then I see in the plink docs ("For alleles that have exactly 0.50 minor allele frequency...then which allele is labelled as minor will depend on which was first encountered in the PED file.") I am really hoping I dont have to extract...convert to ped, then figure out …
updated 3 days ago • curious
a question about why does gene length effect the normalisation. I understand that the sequencing depth influence the normalisation, so we need to remove the influence of sequencing depth. Many tutorials have mentioned
updated 4 days ago • Chen
reads can be just summed up. Doing this will result in the commonly present probes with more read depth, and the unique probes processed just like it would normally be. What is preventing us from doing this and using the resulting
Hi, I finished my imputation on the michigan server and this was the plot from the QC report. Do I need to redo the imputation or does this just indicate that the alleles are flipped? The R2 looks good though, maybe I am just unsure on reading this plot Thanks for any advice! ![enter image description...the plot from the QC report. Do I need to redo the imputation or does this just indicate t…
The **Biostar Herald** publishes user submitted links of bioinformatics relevance. It aims to provide a summary of interesting and relevant information you may have missed. You too can submit [links here](/herald/). This edition of the Herald was brought to you by contribution from [Istvan Albert](https://www.biostars.org/u/2/), and was edited by [Istvan Albert](https://www.biostars.org/u/2/)…
updated 7 days ago • Biostar
I am looking for a [CTO/founding engineer role][1] to join [Voyant Bio][2]. At Voyant Bio, we are on a mission to revolutionize drug discovery with an AI-native data analytics platform. A key challenge in drug discovery is making sense of multi-modal datasets and extracting biologically meaningful conclusions. Our platform aims to build best-in-class data analysis workflows to answer complex b…
updated 11 days ago • Assaf
n_ref_count = col_logical(), n_alt_count = col_logical(), all_effects = col_character(), Allele = col_character(), Gene = col_character(), Feature = col_character(), Feature_type = col_character(), One_Consequence = col_character
updated 12 days ago • glaciya2018
challenges and harnessing the opportunities presented by these advancements, we provide an in-depth exploration of the crucial factors influencing the selection of optimal strategies for achieving robust and insightful
updated 13 days ago • Biostar
but with the new reference give me this error: [.......] WARNING: Reference allele G at 7:116412043 doesn't match A (flanking bps: CAC) from reference FASTA: /home/victor/.vep/homo_sapiens/111_GRCh38/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.toplevel.fa.gz
updated 14 days ago • Javier
out samples with missingness (% of snps with missing data) above 10% - filter out snps with minor allele frequency (frequency of the less represented allele) below 5% This resulted in roughly 500 samples kept and 1500 snps...figure (AB: pilot samples, CDEF: other samples). My questions are: - Can a differential sequencing depth cause an increase/decrease of heterozygous call in radseq? Is ther…
updated 18 days ago • oselm
I read in one paper they excluded (SNVs) with A/T or G/C alleles to avoid strand issues. What does this even mean? Why would there be "strand issues"? Thanks for your help
updated 18 days ago • _quantum_girl_
and evaluate ABMs tailored to your research and teaching needs. Here's what you can expect: * In-depth instruction in ABM principles and practice * Hands-on tutorials and exercises using NetLogo, a leading ABM software
updated 18 days ago • carlopecoraro2
In the field of DNA methylation, a diverse array of methods, each with its unique strengths and limitations are available. The working principles of each of the sequencing techniques are quickly discussed below. **1 WGBS (Whole Genome Bisulfite Sequencing)** WGBS involves treating DNA with bisulfite, transforming unmethylated cytosines (C) to Uracils (U). Subsequent PCR converts U to adenine (…
updated 18 days ago • Novogene
How would one determine how much of an association is due to batch effect and how much due to actual allele frequency differences in both cohorts. Any suggestions or advice are highly appreciated. Thank you
updated 19 days ago • saksis.rihards
finnGen MARKER rsids WEIGHT N ALLELE alt ref EFFECT beta PVAL pval STDERR sebeta FREQ af_alt PROCESS /home/data3/wwh/meta_analysis/metal/input_file/EC...finnGen_ec.txt #FUSCC MARKER rsid WEIGHT N ALLELE EFFECT_ALLELE NON_EFFECT_ALLELE EFFECT BETA PVAL P STDERR SE PROCESS /home/data3/wwh/meta_analysis/metal/input_file...EC/fuscc_ec.txt #UKB MARKER rsid WEIGHT N ALLELE alt ref EFFECT beta_EUR P…
updated 19 days ago • 22211020193
I have made a heatscatter plot in R (I am new to R) and it looks good but I would like to add a Key to label what the colours represent (datapoint depth). This would be a really good feature to help the reader of the figure to understand what it means quickly but I cannot see...to R) and it looks good but I would like to add a Key to label what the colours represent (datapoint depth). This would …
updated 20 days ago • james.lloyd
I'm interested in comparing single cell RNAseq experiments. RNAseq experiments are often normalized by some kind of global scaling scheme - each cell transcriptome is normalized by some scalar that has been calculated based on various factors - endogenous mRNA levels, capture + RT efficiency, dilution factor, amplification and read depth. I want to compare between different scRNAseq experiments p…
Hi there, After having read the vignette, I am really keen to understand in depth how the Limma functions 'removebatcheffect' actually works. Looked at the function: ```r # removeBatchEffect.R # A refinement
updated 21 days ago • Mozart
from the Mexico City Prospective Study (MCPS). This includes genome locations, population specific allele frequencies, alleles and annotations for 142 million variants. submitted by: [zx8754](https://www.biostars.org/u/3919
updated 21 days ago • Biostar
if the base in the reference is C and there are two transcripts TrX and TrY and two alternative allele A and T, with this option VEP chose first the best transcript (e.g. Tx) and then the allele that generate the worst outcome...on that transcript (e.g. A). I wonder, in case of "similar" outcome by the two different alleles (e.g. they cause both a missense mutation), if the Allele Frequency is…
updated 24 days ago • atariw
Hello, Is it important to filter variants based on the Allele Count in genotypes for each ALT allele (INFO/AC)? Should I always, by default, set this value to a minimum of 1 (using bcftools
updated 25 days ago • maevalefeuvre
way to downsample nanopore long-reads. Ideally I would want to downsample to a specific average read depth e.g. 5x I have found a few methods e.g. using `samtools` but this seems to work for downsampling to a specific number or fraction...of reads. `Rasusa` downsamples to a specific coverage /depth but requires fastq input and I would prefer to downsample my BAM files so I don't have to re-ru…
updated 26 days ago • eesiribloom
from different sources, I've noticed that variants with the same chromosome, position, reference allele, and alternative allele sometimes have different rsIDs. Why is this the case, and which rsID should I use? 1. Initially...I had obtained from Ensembl-VEP, even for variants with the same chromosome, position, reference allele, and alternative allele. 3. The data from the other study I want to …
in adaptive sampling, I though we could discard telomeres and centromeres in the calculation of read depth for then assessing copy number. My first question is if this is a good approach. The second thing is that I already have
genotype information for a particular site AND a particular sample that did not reach enough read depth. - Filter high coverage I want to filter genotypes (not samples, not sites) that have a DP above the 99th percentile within
updated 27 days ago • MBarcelo
Hello, Has anyone come across the below results in vcf with both alleles as wild type and variant. I am not sure where to start checking. Any thoughts ``` Chr Start End Ref Alt chr9 127447499 127447499
updated 28 days ago • priya.bmg
genotype ~3000 SNPs from amplicon sequencing data, using `--genotyping_mode GENOTYPE_GIVEN_ALLELES --alleles $vcf --output_mode EMIT_ALL_SITES` mode. However, it take huge time to call these variants, ~20h. And I found that adding
updated 4 weeks ago • J.F.Jiang
I am trying to calculate the depth coverage between short read and long read in rna-seq. Below screenshot is the output file, [prefix]_Log.final.out. My...I am trying to calculate the depth coverage between short read and long read in rna-seq. Below screenshot is the output file, [prefix]_Log.final.out. My understanding
updated 4 weeks ago • shinyjj
RNA-seq, scRNA-seq, proteomics data etc) to identify neurodegenerative disease target - Conduct in-depth computational validation using sophisticated in silico data and models. - Analyze and compile crucial datasets, contributing
updated 4 weeks ago • Shicheng Guo
3. How should one address potential technical factors such as preprocessing issues, sequencing depth, or sample preparation that might influence the identification of such cell populations? P.S. Batch effect corrections
updated 4 weeks ago • Daddy
of VH genes only and 2x250 bp NovaSeq runs worked really nicely, giving us the coverage and depth that we needed especially in the early rounds of selection when diversity is still high. However, this new library contains...inserts of about 800-900 bp and I don't know how to go about sequencing it. The read depth is super important for calculating the fold-enrichment during selection. The linke…
updated 4 weeks ago • Ryan
are a lot of soft clipped bases to the left and to the right of the detected CNV (found due to read depth). Do the soft-clipped reads indicate the breakpoints of the amplicon? If so do these soft clipped bases align to the amplicon
updated 4 weeks ago • Kay
I am using Freebayes (v1.3.6) for SNP calling analysis on eggplant population data. While scrutinizing the VCF file, it has come to my attention the heterozygous assignation in some cases. This was the command used to perform the SNP calling: /usr/bin/freebayes -b all_parents_mapped_BWA_v3_20X_dedup.bam -f /data/users/vbarfon/Genomes/Solgenomics_2019_08_30/Eggplant_V3_Chromosomes.fa -v multithre…
updated 4 weeks ago • viir.caraja
output-file svHyGen/candidateSV.0000.vcf --tumor-output-file svHyGen/tumorSV.0000.vcf --chrom-depth chromDepth.txt --edge-runtime-log svHyGen/edgeRuntimeLog.0000.txt --edge-stats-log results/stats/svCandidateGenerationStats.xml
updated 4 weeks ago • Greg
Subject: Seeking R/Python Script for Allele Frequency among multiple population Data Collection from gnomAD Message: Hello everyone, I'm in search of R or Python...script capable of fetching allele frequency data for a batch of SNPs from the gnomAD database, encompassing all populations. Ideally, this script would...accept SNP IDs as input and output a data frame containing the allele frequency…
updated 4 weeks ago • Shicheng Guo
vector&lt;_Tp, _Alloc&gt;::reference std::vector&lt;_Tp, _Alloc&gt;::operator[](size_type) [with _Tp = Allele*; _Alloc = std::allocator <allele*>; reference = Allele*&amp;; size_type = long unsigned int]: Assertion '__n &lt; this-&gt;size()' failed...Aborted (core dumped)**</allele
updated 4 weeks ago • emilydolivo97
Hi there I have several individual VCF files on which I'm working on to retain calls with only a depth greater than 10 and a genotype quality greater than 30. Also, I'm preserving missing sites. However, I wonder if there is
updated 4 weeks ago • Matteo Ungaro
Hi all, I've previously called variants from WGS data but am now tasked with using single-end ddRAD-seq data. It seems STACKS is popular for this purpose, but I'm confused by how it handles the high levels of read duplication that seem inherent to RAD-seq. The only reference to duplicates in the manual here https://catchenlab.life.illinois.edu/stacks/manual/ is a code snippet that says: &g…
updated 4 weeks ago • maxrwjones
FASTA and one or multiple alignment BAM as input, and outputs a multi-sample VCF along with allele counts: Submitter's note: countless times, you just want to know what the alleles are at a position; the task is surprisingly
updated 4 weeks ago • Biostar
the location of the first column chr10:11974892 belongs to a unannotated region and the alternative allele MTHF1L. So I am not sure what gene to attribute this variant to. Additionally I noticed that the reference that for many...the SVLEN field is 0 meaning there is no difference in length between the reference and alternate alleles. I do not quite understand what the entry is telling me in that…
updated 4 weeks ago • josh.mannheimer
Quality Control Calculating QC Statistics Statistics: Alternative allele frequency &gt; 0.5 sites: 49,935 Reference Overlap: 64.83 % Match: 62,365 Allele switch: 0 Strand flip: 0 Strand flip and allele...switch: 0 A/T, C/G genotypes: 0 Filtered sites: Filter flag set: 0 Invalid alleles: 17,968 Multiallelic sites: 3,775 Duplicat…
updated 4 weeks ago • berndmann
perform meta-analysis of GWAS, but one of the public summary data I downloaded did not have effect allele frequency. I am wondering if i can perform METAl without effect allele frequency or is there anything I can do to fix
updated 4 weeks ago • 晗颖
I have run superFreq on a couple of samples from gallbladder tissues along with OCUG and NOZ cell-line which have ERBB2 amplifications. The combined CNA heatmap that lists out the calls gene-wise can call the amplifications in these samples, but the tsv file stating the M statistic, defined as, "Consensus Log2 fold change of read depth with respect to the reference normals across the segment, no…
updated 4 weeks ago • aksh
databases and build my own (snpEff), however, in both cases, not all my variants are annotated with Allele Frequency (AF). The problem is: those variants not annotated in VCF has Alelle Frequency in dbSNP (ncbi website). I tried
updated 4 weeks ago • Luiz
a database for these two similar datasets. I realise most of the additional proteins will be alleles of annotated genes. This is just a test dataset for a later larger project. Regardless, is there a way to download all
updated 4 weeks ago • dthorbur
PL values at LK031787:1508, cannot merge. The tag is defined as Number=G, but found 5 values and 2 alleles.** This is what I have in position 1508: ![enter image description here][1] Whereas my comment section includes following
updated 5 weeks ago • analyst
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